A Little Bit About Virginia Bell: Diminuitive of height at only 5'2”, Virginia brought new meaning to the term STACKED. With a winning smile, wavy blond hair, & a pair of fantastically bounteous bodacious breasts, she was one of the most popular burlesque & pin-up models of the 1950s and early 1960s.
She appeared in SoCal burlesque clubs in her early 20s and went on to star in many short topless reels, magazine shoots, and even a few feature-length B-movies (including a star turn in Lewis & Friedman's "Bell, Bare, and Beautiful"). In an era where implants were extremely rare, Virginia's boobs were of such wondrous proportions that people did indeed speculate whether she'd had them enhanced - however by all accounts they were 100% natural.
The female bosom has a largely timeless appeal, but its peak in the world of 20th century pin-ups was probably the 1950s. And this trend is probably embodied best in Virginia Bell.
Born in southern California as Virginia Beck (1934), she was a steady feature on both the burlesque circuit & in men's magazine pictorals by the middle of the 50s.
Her most obvious appeal was a pair of immense breasts that seemed to defy gravity for their size, combined with a compact (she was 5'2”) & curvy frame - but in a way that sells her short. Like most of the greatest pin-up models, she had a natural ease in front of the camera and the ability to convey personality in 2D – in this case, a fun-loving and wholesome Every Girl who made it seem posing nude was just about the most natural pastime in the world. In numerous magazines she served as the counterpoint to the come-hither bedroom eyes & overwrought sultriness of other models.
Here are some images spanning the mid 1950s through early 1960s, the first in a series of galleries featuring Virginia. Enjoy!
Description: The illustrious Virginia Bell shows off her buxom & breasty charms. This is one of her earlier reels, slightly slimmer figure and a rack not quite so mountainous though still plenty fine.
Description: Here's an early clip of Virginia Bell, the legendary pinup model/burlesque dancer/actress from the 1950s and 60s. Profoundly busty! [Apologies for the poor quality, we're looking for a better source. -ed]