Frequently Asked QuestionsTechnical Stuff What format are the films in? Are they streaming only or available for download? All videos are in MP4 format and are available for browser streaming by default (on PCs, Macs, Android & iOS devices, etc), and also as downloadable files. This also goes for the images (JPG), audio (MP3), classic erotic novels (PDF). These files have no limitations or DRM set upon them – if downloaded they're usable by you forever, whether your subscription remains active or not. Are there any download limits for the different subscription options? No. All subscriptions – month-to-month, yearly, etc – have access to the entire DOV archives, with no download restrictions. Simple & straightforward. How do I cancel rebilling on my subscription? You can do so by filling out the short CCBill (our billing processor) form here: The cancellation will go into effect immediately afterwards although you'll still have access to Delta of Venus until your subscription's expiration date. ![]() Will you ever sell my email address or other info to a 3rd party? No, no, and no! We believe there's more than enough spam in the universe and take your privacy (and the state of your inbox) seriously. Your info is used for verification & billing purposes, and also for correspondence regarding technical support & subscriptions. That's it, and we like it that way. How do you handle technical support? Just email us here - - for any site questions, playback issues, or anything else. We'll get back to you ASAP and make keeping our members happy & entertained a priority – we make it a point to provide quality customer support. For technical issues, keep in mind that everyone's system is different so to expedite the troubleshooting please include as much detail as possible about both the problem and your own setup – browser, operating system, video player, specific error messages, or whatever else is pertinent. I'm a subscriber & my login won't work! What is going on!? As you can imagine, we take login issues very seriously - no one likes it when their purchased service doesn't function! We place top priority on troubleshooting these instances. If you have trouble logging in, couple things to keep in mind. Our system is case-sensitive, so you must enter both username & password *exactly* as you did upon signing up including uppercase & lowercase letters in the proper locations. If that's not the "case" then please email us, including info we can use to identify your account. These issues are nearly always quickly resolved, and rest assured we'll absolutely compensate your subscription for any downtime incurred. ![]() About DOV: How often is updated? “New” videos are added at least twice per week. Other content such as photosets or stories, audio files, and articles vary, depending on what's coming down the pipeline. Where do you find all these vintage movies and photos? Antique expos, estate & garage sales, flea markets, online auctions, independent dealers, or just ordinary folks who've found/inherited some antique smut from a relative and contacted us - it's all over the map (literally). Do you buy/sell erotica related to the collection? Buying – Yes! If you've got any vintage erotica on offer please do contact us. Keep in mind that our budget is finite and usually purchases are dependent on what we're looking for at that particular time. It varies, but even when DOV itself passes on a purchase we may be able to connect a seller to other interested buyers. We're also interested in hearing from original producers of classic erotica to discuss licensing possibilities. Selling – We don't currently offer anything from the collection proper for sale, including prints. But occasionally we'll have specialty items (original artworks or limited run lithographs, for example) available – these will typically be listed in the members' area. ![]() I'm looking for that one movie from such and such decade – you know, the one with those girls and they're doing the thing in that place… it's super hot. Can you help me find it? Maybe! It never hurts to ask. We get a lot of questions like this and on occasion it winds up being either something in our collection or something we can identify & acquire for members. We welcome such queries, but obviously the more specific you can be the better chance for positive ID – approximate year, place of origin, format, any known actors/actresses, any standout features. No guarantees, but for subscribers we'll always make an attempt to locate or at least ID what you're searching for. I'm a member and really really enjoy stuff with such-and-such actress/aesthetic/obscure sex act/etc – can you publish more of her/it/that? We do our best to fulfill requests like this – as we expand's collection over the years, member preferences are a huge criteria for what eventually finds its way into the archives. In that way we strive to be different from the usual “Take What You Get & Like It” type of static site, and more of a give & take experience where subscribers have a real say in how the collection evolves. I'm a writer/artist/journalist/filmmaker/etc and would be curious about including some of your content in a project or otherwise collaborate, how do I go about doing this? We've collaborated with many others during our 12+ of existence – artists & musicians, writers, movie & TV productions, PhD candidates & professors, journalists, the list goes on. If you've got a project in mind just drop us a line and we'll see what kind of arrangement can be worked out. ![]() And that's it for now! If you've got any questions not addressed here already, just drop us a line via email and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Back To Main Page |